Traditional metal braces are probably what you think of when you picture someone in orthodontic treatment. They are still the most common type of braces used today because they are highly reliable and efficient and very cost-effective. But today’s are a lot different than those of the past. Today’s braces are more comfortable and sleek, thanks to high-grade space-age metal alloys. And, you still get the chance to show off your personality with colorful elastic ties.

Let’s take a closer look at metal braces. When you visit Onshore Orthodontics and choose metal braces as your treatment option, you’ll get:

  • Brackets, which are attached directly to the teeth using a special bonding glue
  • Archwires, are the metal wires that connect the brackets and place the pressure that is needed to guide your teeth
  • Ligature ties, the tiny colored elastics that hold the archwire to the brackets that can be customized throughout your treatment

Your braces will work by placing a constant, yet gentle, pressure on your teeth. The force they place works to guide your teeth to their ideal locations. Your archwire will be replaced at adjustment appointments to ensure the correct amount of force is always being placed. Some patients may also require the use of additional elastics that will work in conjunction with the braces to achieve certain types of tooth movements.

Metal braces are an ideal treatment option for patients of all ages.

What Can You Expect With Braces?

Once your braces are placed, you may notice that your teeth feel slightly wiggly. While this can be jarring at first, it is completely normal. To move to their new locations, your teeth have to first come loose from their current locations. Don’t worry, once your treatment is finished, a retainer will work to hold your teeth firmly in place until they have a chance to solidify in their new places.

Are Metal Braces The Best Option For Me?

Metal braces are an excellent treatment option for patients with all severities of malocclusions and for patients of all ages. But whether they are the ideal treatment for you and your lifestyle may be up to you. After your consultation with Dr. Dubiner and Dr. Woolfson, you can decide if metal braces are the best for your individual situation. While metal braces are cost-efficient and effective, some people want a more aesthetically pleasing option.

How Will Metal Braces Impact My Daily Life?

Metal braces, and orthodontic treatment in general, can take a bit of time to get used to. Once you have the hang of it, it will be a breeze. But in the beginning, you may notice a few big changes. They include:

  • Changes to your diet to avoid foods that could damage your braces
  • The additional focus needed on oral hygiene
  • Slight discomfort especially in the beginning or after an adjustment

What Foods Should I Avoid Eating?

It’s important to avoid any type of food that could damage the brackets or wires of your braces. Anything too sticky, crunchy, chewy, or hard could pull the bracket loose or damage the wire. We suggest avoiding foods such as:

  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Gum
  • Ice
  • Hard pretzels
  • Caramel
  • Taffy
  • Beef jerky
  • Corn on the cob
  • Chips
  • Pizza crust