What’s The Best Method to Clean Invisalign?

Clean Invisalign Aligners

Maintaining proper oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign, is of paramount importance to ensure successful and healthy results. While Invisalign aligners offer convenience and discretion, they require diligent cleaning to prevent the buildup of bacteria, plaque, and stains. This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to clean Invisalign aligners effectively, along with valuable tips to maintain oral health throughout your orthodontic journey.

How to Clean Invisalign Aligners?

Maintaining the cleanliness of your Invisalign aligners is a vital component of your daily oral hygiene routine. A basic cleansing process involves the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and cool water. Every night, gently brush your aligners with cool water to remove any food particles and plaque that may have accumulated during the day. Avoid using toothpaste, as its abrasive nature can scratch the aligner’s surface.

For a deeper clean, consider using a mild liquid soap or an aligner cleaner specifically designed for this purpose. You can also opt for a natural antiseptic solution like a vinegar or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) mixture. These options help eliminate harmful bacteria and prevent bacterial buildup, which can lead to bad smells and unpleasant odors. Utilizing retainer cleaning tablets, like Retainer Brite, can also be effective in keeping your aligners fresh and free from odor-causing bacteria.

Incorporate the cleaning of your aligners into your daily routine, such as during your regular brushing and flossing sessions. Avoid leaving your aligners exposed when not in use, as they can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Following a consistent cleaning regimen will ensure that your aligners remain clean, clear, and odor-free throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Also, here we suggest a step-by-step process you can follow to keep your aligners fresh all the time:


Remove the aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. Upon removal, rinse them with cold water to prevent the dried-on saliva and plaque from hardening.

Brush Gently

Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush the aligners gently. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and damage the aligner’s surface. Instead, brush using a mild, clear antibacterial soap to eliminate bacteria and odors.


Soaking the aligners in a cleaning solution or denture cleaner can effectively remove stains and bacteria. Rinse the aligners thoroughly after soaking to avoid ingesting any residue.

Keep the Case Clean

Ensure the case where you store your aligners is also clean. Regularly rinse it with water and let it air dry to prevent the growth of bacteria.

How to Use Invisalign Crystals?

Invisalign patients can opt for using Invisalign crystals, a proprietary resource designed for this purpose, to effectively clean their aligner trays. By incorporating Invisalign crystals into your cleaning routine, you ensure thorough maintenance of your aligners.

Dissolve the recommended amount of crystals in lukewarm water to use Invisalign crystals. Then, place your plastic aligners into the mixture and let them soak for the instructed duration, typically around 15 minutes. This soaking process dislodges accumulated particles, bacteria, and stains from the aligner’s surface.

After soaking, remove the aligner trays from the solution and thoroughly rinse them under cold water. This step is crucial to eliminate any residue from the cleaning solution on the aligners. By utilizing Invisalign crystals, you take advantage of a specialized resource that maintains the clarity and hygiene of your aligners, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of your orthodontic treatment.

Incorporating Invisalign crystals into your routine provides a convenient and effective way to ensure your aligner trays remain clean and free from bacteria, contributing actively to the success of your orthodontic journey.

Dietary Recommendations With Invisalign Aligners

During your Invisalign treatment, making mindful dietary choices actively contributes to achieving optimal hygiene and successful results. Carefully navigating your favorite foods enhances your aligner-wearing experience and actively promotes overall oral health.

Choosing foods that are less likely to stick to or stain your aligners becomes crucial. Opt for softer, less sticky options to minimize the risk of food particles getting trapped between your teeth and aligners. This practice actively contributes to better hygiene and prevents potential discomfort.

Before indulging in your favorite foods, always remove your aligners to prevent them from getting damaged or stained. Taking this simple step actively avoids the accumulation of debris and residue on your aligners, actively keeping them clean and odor-free.

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water actively holds equal importance. Water actively helps flush away food particles, bacteria, and acids that can lead to dental issues. Actively incorporating water-rich foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables, can also actively aid in keeping your mouth and aligners fresh. Keep in mind this short list when thinking about food and Invisalign:

  • Water is Key.
  • Avoid Staining Foods.
  • Remove Before Eating.

By actively considering your dietary choices, you actively promote better hygiene during your Invisalign treatment. Actively being mindful of the foods you consume, actively removing aligners before eating, and actively staying hydrated contribute to a seamless orthodontic journey and actively ensure your favorite foods remain a pleasure to enjoy.

How to Brush Your Teeth During Orthodontics?

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is crucial for preventing issues like tooth decay and promoting overall dental health. With the advantage of being removable, Invisalign aligners make the process easier and more convenient. Here’s how to effectively brush your teeth during orthodontics, considering the benefits of Invisalign’s removability.

Regular Brushing

Brush your teeth after every meal and before reinserting your Invisalign aligners. This practice prevents the accumulation of built-up food debris, reducing the risk of tooth decay and maintaining a fresh breath.

Technique Matters

Use gentle, circular motions to clean your teeth’ front, back, and chewing surfaces. Pay special attention to areas around brackets and wires.

Clean Your Aligners

Ensure they’re clean before putting your aligners back in after brushing. Rinse them with cold water to remove any toothpaste residue that could lead to a bad taste.

Floss Regularly

Flossing is crucial even during orthodontic treatment. Use floss threaders or interdental brushes to clean between teeth and around brackets.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water helps wash away food particles and bacteria that can contribute to dental problems. Staying hydrated keeps your mouth and teeth clean.

Take Advantage of Removability

Invisalign’s removability makes oral hygiene easier. You can brush and floss your teeth as you normally would without the hindrance of brackets and wires.

Maintaining optimal oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment, whether with Invisalign or traditional braces, is vital for a successful outcome. Following these guidelines and taking advantage of Invisalign’s removability can actively contribute to healthy teeth and gums, minimizing the risk of tooth decay and ensuring a confident smile throughout your treatment.

What to Avoid When Cleaning Invisalign

When cleaning your Invisalign aligners, it’s essential to avoid certain practices that could lead to common problems and diminish the effectiveness of your cleaning efforts. By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can ensure that your aligners remain in optimal condition throughout your orthodontic journey.

Avoid Scented Soaps and Colored Soaps

Using scented or colored soaps to clean your aligners can lead to unwanted flavors or staining. Stick to clear, mild liquid soaps to prevent these issues.

Steer Clear of Warm Tap Water

Exposing your Invisalign aligners to warm tap water might cause warping or distortion due to the material’s sensitivity to temperature. Stick to cool or lukewarm water instead.

Avoid Abrasive Toothpaste and Brushes

Abrasive toothpaste or brushes can scratch the surface of your aligners, making them more prone to retaining bacteria and stains. Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild, clear antibacterial soap for cleaning.

Skip Colored Mouthwash

Colored mouthwash can potentially stain your aligners. Choose a clear, alcohol-free mouthwash if you decide to use one.

Be Cautious with Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals, including some commercial cleaners, can damage the aligner material and compromise its transparency. Stick to gentle cleaning agents to maintain the appearance and functionality of your aligners.

Avoid Placing Aligners in Mouthwash

Soaking your aligners in mouthwash can also lead to discoloration and affect the material. Instead, opt for aligner cleaning solutions or the methods recommended by your orthodontist.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you actively contribute to your Invisalign aligners’ longevity, clarity, and hygiene. Prioritizing gentle cleaning methods and steering clear of potentially damaging substances will help you maintain a comfortable, effective orthodontic treatment experience.

Avoiding Orthodontic Emergencies With Invisalign

Preventing orthodontic emergencies, even with Invisalign, involves careful aligner care. One common issue is lost aligners. To ensure a smooth treatment journey, it’s crucial to understand how to care for your Invisalign® aligners properly.

Follow these steps to minimize the risk of losing your aligners:

Always Keep Your Case Handy

When you remove your aligners for eating, drinking, or cleaning, immediately place them in their designated case. This prevents accidental misplacement and keeps them safe.

Stick to Your Routine

Incorporate aligner-wearing into your daily routine. This consistency minimizes the chances of setting your aligners down and forgetting them.

Avoid Wrapping in Napkins or Tissues

Wrapping aligners in napkins or tissues can lead to them being inadvertently discarded. Use your case instead for secure storage.

Have a Backup Plan

If you frequently remove your aligners, consider keeping a backup case in your bag or pocket for added security.

Understanding how to care for your Invisalign aligners actively prevents the inconvenience of lost aligners and safeguards your treatment progress. You can maintain a successful orthodontic journey by being diligent in aligner maintenance.

We Hope to See You Soon

Are you ready to unveil your most captivating smile and achieve a functional, confident bite? Visit us at Onshore Orthodontics in Yulee, FL – a place where family comes first! Led by the dynamic duo Dr. Woolfson and Dr. Dubiner, our team is committed to crafting smiles that radiate beauty and enhance functionality.

At Onshore Orthodontics, we treat you like family – because you are! Whether it’s braces or Invisalign, our expertise shines through as we create tailored treatment plans that bring your dream smile to life. Your opportunity for a sensational smile starts here – schedule your appointment today!

Dr. Woolfson’s remarkable journey includes attaining her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree and excelling further with a certificate in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and a Master of Science in Dentistry degree. On the flip side, Dr. Dubiner’s pursuit of excellence took him through Nova Southeastern University for his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree and Jacksonville University for an intensive program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, having remarkable board certification. The dynamic duo can help you get a beautiful smile with Invisalign.